SATII数学考试快递:Decimals Decimals are just another way to express fractions. After all, to produce a de...
SATII数学考试快递:FractionsBeing able to efficiently and correctly manipulate fractions is essential to doi...
SATII数学考试快递:Roots and ...
SATII数学考试快递:Roots and RadicalsWe just saw that roots express fractional exponents. But it is often...
- SATII数学考试快递:Exponents
- SATII数学考试快递:ExponentsAn exponent defines the number of times a number is to be multiplied by itself. For...
- SATII数学考试快递——Inequalities(3)
- SATII数学考试快递——Inequalities(3)To solve this problem, simply manipulate the range like an inequality until you...
- SATII数学考试快递——Inequalities(2)
- SATII数学考试快递——Inequalities(2)Now, combine the two bounds into a range of values for x. –1 ≤ x ...
- SATII数学考试快递——Inequalities
- SATII数学考试快递——InequalitiesBefore you get too comfortable with expressions and equations, we should introduce...
- SATII数学考试快递——Systems of Equations
- SATII数学考试快递——Systems of EquationsSometimes, a question will have a lone equation containing two variables,...
- SATII数学考试快递——Key Formulas of Algebra
- SATII数学考试快递——Key Formulas of AlgebraDistributive Property Perfect Square of a Binomial Difference of Two S...
- SATII数学考试快递——Polynomials
- SATII数学考试快递——PolynomialsA polynomial is an expression that contains one or more algebraic terms, each cons...
- SATII数学考试快递——Circles
- SATII数学考试快递——CirclesCircles are another popular plane-geometry test topic. Unlike polygons, all circles are...
- SATII数学考试快递——Lines and Angles
- SATII数学考试快递——Lines and AnglesA line is a collection of points that extends without limit in a straight ...
- SATII数学考试快递——Inscribed Solids
- SATII数学考试快递——Inscribed SolidsAn inscribed solid is a solid placed inside another solid, with the edges of...
- SATII数学考试快递——Relating Length, Surface Area, and Volume
- SATII数学考试快递——Relating Length, Surface Area, and VolumeThe Math IC tests not only whether you’ve memo...
- SATII数学考试快递——Prisms
- SATII数学考试快递——PrismsMost of the solids you’ll see on the Math IC test are prisms, or variations on...
- SATII数学考试快递——Graphing Linear Inequalities
- SATII数学考试快递——Graphing Linear InequalitiesThe graph of an inequality is a graph of a region rather than a...
- SATII数学考试快递——Lines
- SATII数学考试快递——LinesLines are nothing more than an infinite set of points arrayed in a straight formation,...
- SATII数学考试专题---Solids Produced by Rotating Polygons
- SATII数学考试专题---Solids Produced by Rotating PolygonsSAT2考试是专项测验,有数学、物理、化学、生物、外语等,根据各专业和...
- 达人分享SAT2数学的考试经验
- 达人分享SAT2数学的考试经验 达人自述:以下经验基本上都是碎碎念模式来写的,但是我会尽量把我准备SAT2数学的考试经验说完整,包括...
- 满分心得sat2数学考试经验分享
- 满分心得sat2数学考试经验分享 下面是一位满分考生和大家分享的sat2数学考试经验,这位考生说:对于sat2数学考试只要方法得当,复习...
- SATII数学试题快递:The Importance of the Order of Difficulty
- Imagine that you are taking a test that consists of two questions. After your teacher hands out the test,...
- SATII数学考试快递:Math Questions and Time
- There are often several ways to answer a Math IC question. You can use trial and error, you can set up a...
- SATII数学试题快递:Guessing and the Math IC
- Should you guess on SAT II Math IC? We'll answer this question by posing a question of our own: G. O. ...
- Format of SAT II Math IC
- SAT II Math IC is a one-hour test composed of 50 multiple-choice questions. The instructions for the test a...
- Content of SAT II Math IC
- The Math IC test covers a variety of topics. ETS, the company that writes the test, provides the following...
- The Calculator
- Unlike the SAT I, in which a calculator is permitted but not essential to the test, the Math IC test dema...
- Scoring SAT II Math IC
- Scoring on the SAT II Math IC is the same as the scoring for all other SAT II tests. For every right an...
- SATII数学试题快递:Fractions
- Being able to efficiently and correctly manipulate fractions is essential to doing well on the Math IC test. ...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Absolute Value
- To solve an equation in which the variable is within absolute value brackets, you must divide the equation in...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Math IC Algebra Strategies(II)
- For example, in the baseball player problem, letm= 5,v= 100, andp= 10. Clearly, these numbers aren’t re...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Math IC Algebra Strategies(I)
- There are several ways to answer most algebra problems. You could try to solve a problem by using standard a...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Writing Equations
- For some questions on the Math IC test, you’ll need to translate the problem from a language you’r...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Manipulating Equations(II)
- Distributing and Factoring Distributing and factoring are two of the most important techniques in algebra. They...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Manipulating Equations(I)
- Now that you know how to set up the equation, the next thing to do is to solve for the value that the qu...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Scientific Notation
- Scientific notationis a convention used to express large numbers. A number written in scientific notation has t...
- SATII数学考试试题快递:Logarithms
- Loarithms are closely related to exponents and roots. Alogarithmis the power to which you must raise a given ...
- SATII数学考试试题快递:Percents
- A percentis another way to describe a part of a whole (which means that percents are also another way to ...
- SATII数学考试考题快递—Common Word Problems(III)
- Exponential Growth and Decay These types of word problems take the concept of percent change even further. I...
- SATII数学考试考题快递—Common Word Problems(II)
- Price In rate questions dealing with price, you will usually find the first quantity measured in numbers of i...
- SATII数学考试考题快递—Common Word Problems(I)
- The writers of the Math IC love word problems. These problems force you to show your range as a mathematicia...
- SATII数学考试试题快递—Zero Product
- When the product of any number of terms is zero, you know that at least one of the terms is equal to zero...
- SATII数学考试必备词汇
- assume that 假设approximation 近似,近似值absolute value 绝对值acute 锐(角)alternate angles 内错角angle 角area 面积...
- SATII数学专题分析——The Coordinate Plane
- The coordinate plane is a plane determined by two perpendicular lines, the x-axis and the y-axis. The x-axis ...
- SATII数学专题分析——Lines and Distance
- Lines and distance are fundamental to coordinate geometry, not to mention to the Math IC test. Even the most...
- SAT数学常用词汇中英文对照--几何部分
- SAT是Scholastic Aptitude Test的缩写,是申请几乎所有美国大学必须参加的考试。通常,希望继续接受高等教育的高中生需要参加SAT考试...
- SAT II数学考试题型分析与分值比例介绍
- The Math IC test covers a variety of topics. ETS, the company thatwrites the test, provides the following bre...
- SAT-II中文补充教材
- 北加州中文学校联合会在上个月出版了一本SAT-II中文模拟试题,内有专文详尽的解说SAT-II考试、六套模拟考试试题及二张听力测验CD。此书...
- SATII数学试题快递:Approaching Math IC Questions
- Though there are four types of questions on the Math IC, there is a standard procedure that you should use ...
- SATII数学试题快递:Making Your Calculator Work for You
- As we’ve already mentioned, the calculator is a very important part of the Math IC test. You need to h...
- 如何选择SAT2考试科目及提升阅读技巧
- 在这二十门SAT2考试中,应该选考哪些呢?首先,要搞清楚所要申请学校的要求。并非所有的美国大学都要求有SAT2成绩,相当一部分普通大...
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- 经过数年的高校扩招,...
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- 教育者与从业者存分歧 ...
- 美国教育联盟:解析新闻专业...
- 科学的新闻学学科设置 美...
- 上海纽约大学首届新生开课 ...
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- 一、美国中小学教育强在...
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- 一项最新调查发现,美国80%...
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- 30日下午,20余名法国华裔青...
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- 加拿大邮局将于5月1日发行唐...
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- (1)关于奖学金申请: ...
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- 问:我想去美国读研究生,是...
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- 这条路适合你吗? 专家解析2...
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- 问题一:学生通常何时签证为...
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- 问:我今年申请去美国留学,...
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- 提问:目前美国留学偏向低龄...
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