CommunitiesJust as individuals live within a population, populations exist within communities. A community...
Populations (2)
Populations (2)Population Growth and Types of ReproductionPopulation growth is affected by species’...
Populations (1)
Populations (1)Ecologists are interested in the interactions between organisms. Since it takes more than...
- Be Calm
- Be CalmThe best way to do poorly on a test is to psych yourself out. If your mind starts thrashing about w...
- Scoring the SAT II Biology
- Scoring the SAT II BiologyScoring on the SAT II Biology is the same as scoring for all other SAT II tests....
- Grid Your Answers Carefully
- Grid Your Answers CarefullyNo kidding. People make mistakes while entering their answers into the grid, and it...
- Introduction to the SAT II Biology
- Introduction to the SAT II Biology The key to doing well on the SAT II Biology test is simple: be really g...
- The Strange Dual Nature of the SAT II Biology
- The Strange Dual Nature of the SAT II BiologyThe official name of the SAT II Biology is actually the SAT II...
- Format of the SAT II Biology (3)
- Format of the SAT II Biology (3)Experiment-Based Group QuestionsThe SAT II Biology uses group questions based...
- Format of the SAT II Biology (2)
- Format of the SAT II Biology (2)5. Giraffes with longer necks can reach more food and are more likely to ...
- Format of the SAT II Biology (1)
- Format of the SAT II Biology (1)Whether you take the SAT II Biology E or Biology M, the test will last a...
- Content of the SAT II Biology
- Content of the SAT II BiologyThe SAT II Biology covers the biology topics taught in any standard American hig...
- How Your Knowledge of Biology Will Be Tested
- How Your Knowledge of Biology Will Be TestedThe SAT II Biology tests your knowledge of biology in three diffe...
- Basic Math and the SAT II Biology
- Basic Math and the SAT II BiologyThe writers of the SAT II Biology assume that you are able to deal with b...
- sat2生物SAT备考
- sat2生物SAT备考 SAT考试备考 ·SAT1 数学:时间充实标题需要别人解答的题目不难 但要注意辨认术语 SAT分为SAT1以及SAT2两部...
- SAT II生物必备词汇(四) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 4
- SAT II生物必备词汇(四) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 4fluctuate 变化,波动fungus (fungi) 真菌fusion 融合,聚变galacto...
- SAT II生物必备词汇(三) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 3
- SAT II生物必备词汇(三) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 3lizard 蜥蜴lobster 龙虾locomotion 移动,运动lysosome 溶酶体mam...
- SAT II生物必备词汇(二) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 2
- SAT II生物必备词汇(二) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 2secrete 分泌segregate 分离sex-linked 性连锁的shark 鲨鱼soybea...
- SAT2生物考试简介
- SAT2生物考试简介关于生物考试生物分Ecology和Molecular什么两部分(我实在记不清楚M的全称了…鞠躬道歉)。有人说选E和M的方法很简单,...
- SAT II生物必备词汇(一) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 1
- SAT II生物必备词汇(一) SAT II Biology Vocabulary List 1paramecium 草履虫parasite 寄生物parthenogenesis 单性生殖pastur...
- SAT II生物考试内容与策略
- Content of the SAT II BiologyThe SAT II Biology covers the biology topics taught in any standard American hig...
- The Discovery of Cells
- Most cells are too small to be observed with the naked eye. For this reason, even the existence of cells ...
- Review Questions of the cell
- 1.A microscope has an ocular lens with a magnification of 10x and objective lenses with magnifications of 10x,...
- Review Questions of Organic and Biochemistry
- 1. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT Hydrogen ions have different chemical properties from elemen...
- Review Questions of Cell Processes
- 1. Cellular respiration is the process by which cells convert the energy available in food to which energy-ric...
- Review Questions of Evolution and Diversity
- 1. What feature clearly distinguishes kingdom Monera from other kingdoms? All monerans are prokaryotes. All mone...
- Review Questions of Mendelian and Molecular Genetics
- 1. During which meiotic phase are sister chromatids separated? Prophase I Metaphase I Metaphase II Anaphase I ...
- SATII生物专题分析——The Chemistry of Life
- Of the 92 naturally existing elements on the Earth, only 25 play a role in the chemical processes of life. ...
- SATII生物专题分析——Protein Synthesis
- Now that we’ve described DNA and RNA, it’s time to take a look at the process of protein synthesi...
- SATII生物专题分析——The Molecules of Life
- The elements involved in life processes can, and do, form millions of different compounds. Thankfully, these mi...
- SATII生物考生个人经验
- 关于生物考试 生物分Ecology和Molecular什么两部分(我实在记不清楚M的全称了…鞠躬道歉)。有人说选E和M的方法很简单,你物理好就选E...
- SATII生物专项分析——Evolution and Diversity
- The biologist Theodosius Dobszhansky once said, Nothing in biology makes any sense except in the light of evol...
- SATII生物专题分析——Origin of Life: The Heterotroph Hypothesis
- In experiments, scientists have showed that the electrical discharges of lightning, radioactivity, and ultraviolet...
- SATII生物专题分析——Classifying Life
- The diversity of life on Earth is staggering. The science of identifying, describing, naming, and classifying a...
- SATII生物专题分析——Living or Not? Viruses
- Viruses are extremely small infectious agents that invade cells of all types. Once inside another cell, viruses...
- SATII生物专题分析——Mendelian and Molecular
- The word inheritance usually brings to mind money or property left by a relative who has passed away. But th...
- SATII生物专题分析——Basis of Inheritance Meiosis
- Mitosis takes a diploid cell and creates a nearly exact copy. Mitosis has two main functions: (1) it leads t...
- SATII生物专题分析——Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
- Meiosis, the process by which gametes are formed, can also be called gametogenesis, literally creation of gamet...
- SATII生物专题分析——Mendel's Experiments
- Gregor Mendel lived in an Austrian monastery and tended the monastery garden. In 1865, through his observations...
- SATII生物专题分析——Modern Explanation of Mendel’s Results
- With our modern understanding of genes, chromosomes, and cellular reproduction, we can explain the biological ba...
- SATII生物专题分析——Mutations
- Mutations are errors in the genotype that create new alleles and can result in a variety of genetic disorders...
- SATII生物专题分析——Cell Respiration
- Respiration is the process by which organisms burn food to produce energy. The starting material of cellular r...
- SATII生物专题分析——Cell Replication
- Eukaryotic cell replication is a process by which cells duplicate their genetic material and then divide to yi...
- SATII生物专题分析——Enzymes
- Some chemical reactions simply happen when the two reactants come into contact. For example, you may be famili...
- SATII生物专题分析——Acids and Bases
- Sometimes atoms give their electrons up altogether instead of sharing them in a chemical bond. This process is...
- SATII生物专题分析——The Cell Membrane
- SAT是Scholastic Aptitude Test的缩写,是申请几乎所有美国大学必须参加的考试。通常,希望继续接受高等教育的高中生需要参加SAT考试...
- SATII生物专题分析——Chemical Bonds
- SAT是Scholastic Aptitude Test的缩写,是申请几乎所有美国大学必须参加的考试。通常,希望继续接受高等教育的高中生需要参加SAT考试...
- SATII生物部分资料附翻译(三)
- Polypeptides All proteins are made of chains of some orall of these 20 amino acids. The bond formed between ...
- SATII生物部分资料附翻译(二)
- Disaccharides Disaccharidesare carbohydratedimers. These dimers are formed from two monomers by dehydrationsynthesis...
- SATII生物部分资料附翻译(一)
- The Molecules of Life The elements involved in life processes can, and do, form millions ofdifferent compounds....
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- 提问:目前美国留学偏向低龄...
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